1903年创刊,是为年轻职业妇女而编的杂志,帮助读者平衡紧张的家庭生活与工作。除了两性、家庭、婚姻、健康、等议题探讨,还有精美图片教读者如何穿衣、化妆、做菜、塑身,让每位 Redbook读者都是内外兼具的漂亮妈妈。Redbook is for today’s young, married woman. Founded in 1903, the magazine originally took its name because, according to its first editor, Trumbull White, “Red is the color of happiness”. Today, Redbook continues to help their readers pursue happiness, bring balance to home and career. Each issue offers stylish fashion, beauty portfolios, career and family, diet and health, sex and marriage.


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